Saturday, 25 June 2011

Sick in bed

Please lar! If you're sick, just simply stay at home OK?


A beautiful Saturday morning which i let the day slip away without doing anything at all. Yups, so i stay at home, like a handicapped unable to do anything but lying on the bed to sleep all day long. I have no idea how many tissues been wasted by me when there are a bunch of snot coming out from my nose while i keep sneezing again and again. Maybe i should use a handkerchief instead of  those pieces of tissue papers..

I have loads of homework and midterm to prepare for next week..and i have school today..but i can't focus on anything since my head hurts so bad..the worse is that  i noticed there are lots of unexpected pimples over my face "unexpectedly"..why do they all come during my sickness? feel like a crap right now..

It seems like a regular process when i'm going to fall sick..
1.Initially sore throat comes with headache and fatigue..2.Flu virus attack follow by running fever.
However, though i can realise that and try to avoid to get sick by drinks litres of water and sleep early but still no works! It ends up with wake up the next morning and facing the same situation or maybe, getting worse.

     Hopefully fast fast to end tis nightmare soon. 

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